City of Whitehorse

The City of Whitehorse is located 15 kilometres east of Melbourne and covers an area of 64 square kilometres.  The municipality is bounded by the City of Manningham to the north, the Cities of Maroondah and Knox to the east, the City of Monash to the south and the City of Boroondara to the west. Its suburbs include Blackburn, Blackburn North, Blackburn South, Box Hill, Box Hill North, Box Hill South, Burwood (shared with City of Monash), Burwood East, Forest Hill, Mitcham, Mont Albert (shared with City of Boroondara), Mont Albert North, Nunawading (shared with City of Manningham), Surrey Hills (shared with City of Boroondara), Vermont (shared with City of Maroondah) and Vermont South.

It is divided into eleven wards. These are Cootamundra, Eley, Elgar, Kingsley, Lake, Mahoneys, Simpson, Sparks, Terrara, Walker and Wattle.  One Councillor is elected to represent each ward, every four years. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by the Councillors for a twelve-month term.

Trudy Skilbeck

Independent Candidate Eley Ward

(Blackburn South and part Burwood East)


I am re-standing in Whitehorse, for Eley Ward; where I live, work, walk, shop and volunteer.

A first-time Councillor from 2020, there is much more to do that leverages my governance, strategic, empathic, and organisational skills. I operate with calm and respect. I engage with hardly heard voices, as well as the louder ones.

I want continuity for Eley, to build on initiatives that are essential for community strengthening. Climate response is one. I led the move to a Whitehorse Climate Emergency Declaration in 2022 (which needs to be further activated with greater priority). Open space master planning is another (Mirrabooka/Wurrundjeri Walk, Ballyshannassy Park, Eley Park). Responses to State planning ‘reform’ (ResCode changes, Big Build projects, and housing targets) are top of the list.

All require deep understanding and a medium to long term view of what the community – as a whole – says is in its best interests.

All these issues require leaders who are great communicators. This includes being able to listen well, be meaningfully transparent and cost conscious, and being effective in engaging the people of Eley and Whitehorse in the transformation that is their own solutions.

I have never had any connection to any political party. It is my genuine independence and lack of political self-interest that makes a large part of the difference I bring.

I am a Member of Bungalook Nursery, Neighbourhood Watch, and the Whitehorse Interfaith Network. I engage with the Christian network that is Whitehorse Churches Care. These are the kinds of connections that help create an engaged, co-designed, fair, and sustainable future.

Authorised by Trudy Skilbeck, PO Box 2101, Blackburn South, 3130,

Jarrod Gunn

Independent Candidate Terrara Ward

My name is Jarrod Gunn and I am a local, independent and community-minded candidate for Whitehorse Council’s Terrara ward.

I have a proven track record for improving our community having been a board member for many local institutions including kindergartens, schools, sports clubs and the local Neighbourhood House.

I get involved in these bodies because I value having a say in matters that impact me and my community. I am active locally and have the energy and drive to represent this great community. I am an attentive listener and an expressive communicator and will be an asset to this community within Council.

As a local, I understand the pressures being faced by this community, from fear of change to our essential services and neighbourhood character to cost of living pressures and community safety concerns like crime and traffic around our schools.

Like my neighbours, I value our green tree scape but not at the cost to amenity, so I am championing a pragmatic approach to problematic tree management to specifically address resident’s frustration whilst increasing overall tree canopy.

As a community we value our open space, walking and cycling infrastructure and our local sporting and community facilities. As such I envision future improvement needed to the East Burwood Reserve and the Vermont South Library precincts.

I am not, nor have I ever been a member of a political party – I value my independence and believe Councils should be free from political influence. The issues debated in the Chamber should be local and relevant to our community, however, that does not mean we should be ignorant to the broader concerns of our constituents. A vote for me is a vote for sensible and responsive local government.

Authorised by Jarrod Gunn, PO Box 6197, Vermont South 3133.