Candidates for Chisholm 2022
Chisholm profile
The Chisholm electorate stretches north-south between Whitehorse Road and Wellington Road, generally between Warrigal Road and Dandenong Creek. It covers 77 square kilometres and includes all or parts of Box Hill, Blackburn, Burwood, Ashwood, Chadstone, Mount Waverley, Glen Waverley and Wheelers Hill.
Chisholm is considered one of the most marginal electorates in the country. At the 2019 election, Gladys Liu was elected with a two-party preferred (2PP) vote of 50.57 percent, a 0.5 percent margin over the Labor candidate. Polling booths throughout the electorate were relatively consistent with both major parties polling between 40 percent and 60 percent of the 2PP vote in 35 of the 38 polling places.
Chisholm is notable for its comparatively high number of people born overseas and the high level of educational attainment. The 2016 census reported that around 50 percent of the population were born overseas of whom just on 15 percent were born in China.
The economy covers light and heavy industries including warehouses and metal, transport, education, and retail.
Chisholm Candidates
A total of 12 candidates have nominated for the Chisholm electorate. We approached all and invited them to participate in our election supplement. We are very grateful to the five candidates who responded to our invitation. We are extremely disappointed that the other seven candidates did not respond to our invitation. Several of these candidates have websites which may provide answers to your questions about their campaign.
Those candidates who did not respond to our invitation include Ms Gladys Liu MP (Liberal), Dr Carina Garland (Australian Labor Party), Ms Ethelyn Cowley (Liberal Democrats), Mr Thomas Stanfield (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party), Mr Aaron Tyrrell (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation), Ms Anthea Antonie (Australian Federation Party), and Mr Wayne Tseng (Independent). Mr Max Mok has been reported as the Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance candidate but is not listed on the Australian Electoral Commission website as having nominated.
Rod Whitfield
Animal Justice Party candidate for Chisholm
Animal Justice Party Victoria, PO Box 337, Flinders Lane VIC 8009
Ph: 0420 403 213
Passionate about animal protection
Rod is a writer and passionate about animal protection who has run as a candidate for the AJP in three previous elections. In the 2022 federal election, he will be running in the seat of Chisholm. He has also been heavily involved in the Marriage Equality and Anti-Adani campaigns.
Rod has been around animals all his life, involving himself in senior dog and cat rescue, and since mid-2021 has been successfully running a pet-sitting side business, looking after all manner of animals, from dogs, cats and rabbits to fish, lizards and chickens.
Also in mid-2021, Rod joined Wildlife Rescue Australia as a volunteer phone coordinator, taking inbound calls from members of the public who have come across sick and injured wildlife, organising rescuers and carers to attend and care for the animals.
Wildlife Rescue Australia receives no federal funding. When elected, Rod will campaign to increase funding for organisations such as this which are so important during this era of climate change and ever-increasing natural disasters. He is also passionately against live export, duck shooting, hunting and any other activity that causes pain and suffering in animals.
This contribution is copied with permission from the website of the Animal Justice Party at
Ryan Dare
Australian Citizens Party Candidate for Chisholm.
I want to be a part of the change needed
I’m standing as a candidate in Chisholm for the Australian Citizens Party, because, like many people today, I believe the two major parties are failing us and most of the minor parties don’t have the policies to change the direction our country is heading. I want to be a part of the change needed to repair our economy, with a government that works for the common good of the people and has a long-term vision for the future.
As inflation hits and interest rates rise, our housing boom will end, and unless government acts, lead to even less affordable housing. We need to deal with our debt crisis before the wealth effect from the housing boom dries up, and we start seeing foreclosures and negative equity in family homes. The next government must recognise the social implications of a housing market crash and implement a moratorium on foreclosures and a write-down of mortgage debts. We also need proper regulation of lending standards to prevent another housing bubble.
The Citizens Party’s policies work for the common good of all people, starting with a financial system that serves the community instead of shareholder profits. Our policy to create a public post office bank will provide affordable finance to local business, ensure cash remains a part of our economy, with deposits government guaranteed and banking services restored where private banks have closed branches.
The Citizens Party’s plan for a development and an infrastructure bank will catapult our economy and standard of living to a new level. Financing major healthcare, transport, manufacturing, water, energy, environment and agriculture projects, supporting a larger population, taking these projects off the government balance sheet, growing our economy, providing new investment opportunities and ensuring future generations can have the opportunity to thrive.
My electorate of Chisholm is made up of a diverse multicultural community. We need a clear, respectful, diplomatic approach to deescalate geopolitical tensions. Promoting a tough stance on China as a political campaign, does nothing but segregate the Chinese Australian community due to the government’s diplomatic failures. The Citizens Party’s independent approach to foreign policy and promoting peace through economic development will ensure we remain a major influence in the Indo-Pacific and will help lift the living standards of our closest neighbours.
The Australian Citizens Party takes a logical, honest and human approach to all their policies. Learn more about our policies at
Vote 1 Ryan Dare in Chisholm and vote 1 Citizens Party in the Victorian senate.
I am driven by a desire to make our community a fairer, more welcoming and a more sustainable place for all its members
My name is Sarah Newman and as a Chisholm local, I am proud to be the electorate’s Australian Greens candidate. I am standing for office to address the concerns I am consistently hearing from members of our community – that the cost of living is becoming unmanageable, inequality is on the rise, and climate change represents a real threat to our way of life. I also want to be part of an Australia that plays a positive role on the global stage in an increasingly uncertain time and contribute to greater integrity in our political landscape at a time when the Liberal Government is facing allegations of serious sexual misconduct, mismanagement of public funds and dodgy donations from dirty energy companies that keep us from progressing to an affordable clean energy future.
With this aim, I am committed to the Greens platform of creating a national jobs and income guarantee for all, building one million homes to ensure everyone has a home, giving renters real rights, investing in clean and green manufacturing industry and sustainable infrastructure, extending Medicare to include dental and mental health, restoring free education and creating a caring and culturally-appropriate aged care system for our older generations. All of this, plus more, will be funded through properly taxing billionaires and corporations, who consistently get away with not contributing to our society.
Australia has faced many challenges in recent years, including catastrophic floods, bushfires, the COVID pandemic and the current Government’s botched response to it. In the face of these challenges, I believe that Australia has a great future ahead of us with the proper investments in climate action, education, and supports for working Australians. There is still so much to do, but I believe that, as a society, we can make the change that is needed. You can be guaranteed that if you vote for the Greens in the upcoming election, then you will be voting to make sure that Australia becomes the place we all want it to be.
Melanie Kempson
United Australia Party candidate for Chisholm
Staying true to my values, advocating for those who have been hard done by and standing up for our freedoms.
Growing up in Burwood East, I have an appreciation for the people who make the Chisholm community a great place to live and work. I completed all my studies within the area, going to Orchard Grove Primary School, Mount Waverly Secondary College and Deakin University, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Criminology.
I have decided to run for the seat of Chisholm for the United Australia Party at the next federal election because it saddens me to see the businesses of my community being strained over constant lockdowns and having to turn away customers who do not conform to government mandates. I stand to make a difference by staying true to my values, to advocate for those who have been hard done by and by standing up for our freedoms.
I want to abolish this two-tiered society that has ascended from mandates and make our community whole again. I do not tolerate segregation in any form! As a carer within the community, I have also witnessed firsthand the mental health issues that have arisen from our current government’s response to issues over the pandemic.
As a freedom party, we, the United Australia Party believe that Australians can make their own informed decisions in terms of vaccines. Sadly, Victorians across many industries are now losing their job based on vaccination status with the ‘no jab, no job policy’. This is especially difficult for recent graduates who have studied for years for a qualification to now be dismissed or overlooked for positions based on their vaccination status and not their skills.
While the issue of vaccine mandates is one of the key issues that matters to me this election another that matters to me is the protection of Australian values, especially the Australian dream of home ownership. Unfortunately, the prospect of owning a home is falling out of sight for many young Australians across the country.
The UAP propose to cap bank home lending rates at a maximum of 3% for the next five years using the power of the constitution, helping protect Australians from impending rising interest rates. To supplement this, the United Australia Party want to provide a 20% tax concession incentive to those living more than 200kms from a capital city with a view to easing housing affordability issues, living pressures, and city congestion.
Let’s get our Australian vales back. Vote 1 Melanie Kempson for the United Australia Party
I am standing for Federal Parliament because it is time for the voice of the people to be heard in parliament and not just decisions made as dictated by party policy.
I believe Australia can return to being a great nation if the major political parties lose the balance of power and we shift the focus back to national interests including self-determination and self-reliance and away from globalisation. I am saddened by the slow degradation of our country that I have witnessed over my lifetime and I will work towards restoring and improving the health of the nation both individually and collectively.
The people need to play a greater role in government and those that Represent them must truly do so through regular active engagement so that as parliamentarians we can truly represent our electorate’s priority needs. The Government needs to be far more accountable, transparent and responsible for their actions and financial transactions. All shares and other business interests within the immediate family should be declared and contracts awarded based on the merit of the tenderer not connections.
I have worked within the public service for 32 years including working as a project manager on major projects which when combined with over ten years’ service in the Army Reserve means that I have the determination, skills, guts, discipline and courage to get the job done. As a qualified librarian I also have the research skills to get to the truth of matters.
Having worked with the Yawuru people in Broome I have a far greater understanding of our first nation’s people than I learned from any other means. We are still a long way from truly becoming one country with one people under one flag.
There are many areas which need to be addressed but among these are: withdrawal from or renegotiation of all international agreements which are detrimental to Australia’s interests, protecting freedoms including health, speech, religion and human rights, and the building of a self-reliant Australia through the restoration of on-shore manufacturing capabilities and the ability to independently defend ourselves.
For more detail, please visit my website at:
Chisholm Forum
SS4C Chisholm Forum Organizers
Charlotte and Kyra
School Strike for Climate organisers
The Chisholm chapter of School Strike for Climate (SS4C) put on a climate focused candidate forum for their community on Saturday the 30th of April.
This non-partisan forum aimed to provide members of the community with the opportunity to find out what each candidate plans to do about the climate crisis if elected. Questions covered topics such as emission reduction targets, renewable energy and the intersection of climate change with issues such as health and Indigenous justice.
All candidates running in the seat of Chisholm had been invited, but only Sarah Newman (Greens), Carina Garland (Labor), Max Mock (Democratic Alliance), Wayne Tseng (Independent), Athena Antoine (Australian Federation Party) were in attendance. Some of the candidates were unable to attend due to other events or due to difficulties contacting their managers or the candidates themselves.
After weeks of her staff telling the event organisers “we’ll get back to you”, the current Member for Chisholm, Gladys Liu (Liberal), has told them that she has long standing commitments and will not be attending the forum. This contradicts messaging that her staff previously gave the event organisers when they were told that she has nothing in her schedule.
The forum involved a wide range of responses to SS4C answers on candidate policies, indigenous rights and how candidates will reassure the younger generation that they are going to help them. We also had a range of community questions that asked about other candidate policies and their actions toward certain issues.
The livestream of the forum can still be found on the SS4C Facebook page for anyone would couldn’t attend on the day.
A big thank you to all the candidates that attended the event, your attendance was greatly appreciated by the Chisholm community. Thank you also to all of those in the community who showed up to our event, we are so happy to know our community cares about us and our futures.
SS4C Chisholm Forum Organizers
Charlotte and Kyra
Thank you to Julian Meehan for the photographs in this article.