Doncaster Camera Club

 The Doncaster Camera Club is the place for novice and advanced photographers alike to share the joy of photography.  If you enjoy taking pictures, this club is a great way to share your work, meet others with a similar interest and to expand your knowledge and experience.

If photography is your form of expression, we encourage you to investigate Doncaster Camera Club, an active and talented group of camera buffs always ready to share their skills and knowledge with new members.

Check out their website here:; their Facebook page or Instagram to see the quality of their members’ work. Or you can contact them by email at, by phone: Michael Walker President 0412 252 387 or Pam Rixon, Secretary 0421 813 531 or by mail at Pam Rixon, Secretary DCC, PO Box 2043 Box Hill North VIC 3129

Ringwood Movie Makers

Ringwood Movie makers is one of Australia’s most successful non-professional movie making clubs. The club members work together on projects, help each other out with technical issues and create scripts and have fun at the same time.
Our Vimeo Channel is:

Waverley Model Railway Club – Men’s Shed

WMRC 2017 Exhibition, Chadderton

Active since 1970, we are a Melbourne based community of small-scale railway enthusiast and modellers. Our members enjoy coming together to share their passion, hone skills, pass on and acquire knowledge and run small scale railways in HO/OO and N scales.

We meet on Thursday evenings for our main train running session, with additional sessions on Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday afternoon. Our clubrooms are in North Dandenong just off the Monash Freeway.

We conduct a model railway exhibition each year on the Kings Birthday Weekend in June at the Brandon Park Community Centre and participate in exhibitions conducted by other clubs around the State.

For more information visit

To read about the Club’s King’s Birthday event, click here.

Vermont Garden Club

Vermont Garden Club was established around 1930 by Vermont Scouts to grow vegetables during the great depression. It later became the Vermont Horticultural & Garden Club and later still the Vermont Garden Club.

As we’ve been going strong for almost a century, we have lots of knowledge and experience to share with potential members and visitors in a friendly and relaxed way. Come along and see for yourself.

Meetings are held at the City of Whitehorse Horticultural Centre, 82 Jolimont Road, Forest Hill (free off-street parking). They take place at 8pm on every second Thursday of the month except January. Meeting highlights include a trading table, a display bench, demonstrations, guest speakers, a raffle, information about open gardens and shows and lots more, all followed by a delicious supper after the meeting.

The annual membership fee is $25 single and $35 family (no joining fee).  All members receive a monthly newsletter.

Visitors to our meetings are very welcome (gold coin donation please). For further information and/or to advise your intention to attend, please notify our Secretary Louise on 0401 431 239 (Mob); or email her on

Papermakers of Victoria

Papermakers of Victoria Inc. was founded in 1989 and, based in Melbourne, is committed to sharing and teaching the skills of making paper by hand, along with book binding, printmaking, collage, sculpture and many other paper arts.  Members have access to a fully equipped studio, as well as workshops, a newsletter, library, online lectures and an exhibition program.  Prior to joining, artists are welcome to meet members at one of their regular gatherings and chat about their interests.  Papermakers of Victoria can be contacted through its website where there are details about the group’s meetings and its activities.